R e a l
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q u e s tio n s .
G e t
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a b o u t
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Actual Reclast patients who
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These women are part of the Reclast Experience. Before they got the only once-a-year osteoporosis treatment, they had
questions. Here are answers.
• One annual dose of Reclast, along with daily calcium and
Vitamin D, makes it possible to significantly increase
your bone mass without taking weekly or monthly
osteoporosis pills.
• The average cost of a Reclast treatment can be under
$60 if you’ve already paid your yearly deductible-but you
should check with your insurance provider since all plans
are different.
• Reclast is given through IV. It bypasses the stomach
going directly to your bloodstream and therefore is not
associated with stomach irritation.
• The most common side effects include flu-like symptoms,
fever, muscle or joint pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, and
diarrhea. Most occur 1-3 days after treatment and can
last up to 2 weeks.
R e c l a s t
( z o le d r o n ic a d d ) in j e c t io n
m g/io o mL for infusion
O n e
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n c e
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To hear more from these women, go to www.reclast.com or call
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8 6 6
Ask your doctor if Reclast is right for you.
Important Safety Information:
You should not receive Reclast if you are already receiving Zometa. Both Reclast and Zometa contain zoledronic acid.
Additionally, you should not take Reclast if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, you are nursing, have low blood
calcium, kidney problems, or are allergic to Reclast.
It’s important to drink fluids before getting Reclast to help prevent kidney problems.The most common side effects
include flu-like symptoms,fever, muscle or joint pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.Talk to your doctor about
things you can do to help decrease some of these side effects that might happen with a Reclast infusion.
Reclast can cause serious side effects including low calcium levels in your blood (hypocalcemia), severe kidney problems,
severe jaw bone problems (osteonecrosis), bone, joint or muscle pain, and unusual thigh bone fractures. You may get
allergic reactions, such as hives or, in rare cases, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.Tell your doctor if you have
any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away. Discuss all medicines you are taking, including prescription and
non-prescription drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements. If you develop severe bone, joint, or muscle pain, numbness,
tingling or muscle spasms, contact your doctor.
Please see important Medication Guide on adjoining page.
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1
-800-FDA-1088. If you don't have prescription
coverage and can't afford your medicines, log onto www.pap.novartis.com or call 1
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